We are ONC

Old North Collective thinks knowledge and continuous learning is a must, but this is what we have learned about ourselves thus far. We believe a lot of consultants care about one specific thing more often than not.. REVENUE.

We started our organization to be a little different than others, who are we kidding we are a lot different. We enjoy problem solving and we want to add value to all parties involved: our partners, our clients, our employees and our business.

We don’t have sales people, we have customer success consultants. This does not mean that some of our employees are not sales experts as well. Simply it means we have employees that don’t just sell because they know how too but because they want to provide the right solution to the client. By doing this we are able to help drive our clients to the next level. We are business people first, caring for our clients and partners. By doing this revenue becomes a byproduct.

It doesn't help anybody to just treat symptoms and pain points. We have to figure out why they are actually happening only then can we find a true solution that adds value. To do this we have to think in a more strategic problem solving driven mindset, which is led by design driven and operational excellence.

We are the Mackintosh in a sea of boring grey. We believe that business should be fun and it's a given that we have to solve a problem, it's given that we have to provide a good product or solution, but we also care about laughter and joking and making our time on this Earth enjoyable.

We have a saying here at Old North Collective and it’s pretty straightforward and blunt. As well as thought through…

“Stop playing games find a partner”

Ready to reach the next level?

Let's have a conversation to become your growth partner

LinkedInhello@onc.design(919) 704-7339Made within