
"If you build it, they will come." This misquote from the movie Field of Dreams has become a sort of mantra in the business world. The reality is though, in the highly competitive field of eCommerce, simply building a site is not enough. If you want the customers to come, you need some sort of marketing plan in place. Thankfully, there are lots of tools that will help make marketing your site and your products a breeze. One of those products is marketing automation platform, Maropost.

What We Do

Because our list of services includes both web development and digital marketing, we can help you with all aspects of bringing Maropost into your technical stack. Let us integrate Maropost into your existing workflows and then help you use it to attract and convert more customers.

New Maropost Integrations

If you don't already have a marketing automation solution, then you'll need to integrate one from scratch. The good news is that Maropost has integrations for nearly every major eCommerce product in use. By combining the flexibility of Maropost with the technical expertise of our team, you'll have an integration that works with your unique technology stack as efficiently as possible, so you can make the most out of your new marketing automation tools.

Migrations to Maropost

If you're already using a marketing automation platform and want to make the switch to Maropost, then a different set of challenges awaits. Great care must be taken to ensure that every feature from your old platform that exists within Maropost is transferred over, and any features unique to Maropost are taken advantage of. If you are a Bronto user who is faced with the May 2022 end of life for that program, transitioning to a new service isn't optional. We're proud to partner with Maropost to help make that transition easy for every business affected.

Ongoing Maropost Support

Whenever you are dealing with tightly integrated solutions from disparate sources, problems can arise. The software industry moves fast, and sometimes maintenance work is required to ensure that everything continues to operate smoothly. In addition to maintenance, there is also the possibility of new feature releases from Maropost that will need to be setup or integrated. Whatever the reason for needing help, we'll be there to keep your Maropost integration up-to-date.

Email Campaigns

Email is the backbone of a good marketing automation system. However, email marketing is drastically different from how it was in the past. It isn't enough to avoid the spam filter on a user's computer, you must avoid the one in their brain too. Customers don't like spam, which is why Maropost offers tools to create highly dynamic and personalized emails. By combining those tools with our marketing expertise, we'll craft the perfect email campaign for you.

Social Media

Email is still king when it comes to directly communicating with customers, but customer acquisition is now firmly in the domain of social media and other forms of advertising that are less intrusive than unsolicited emails. Integrating the social media features of Maropost is the first step in maximizing your conversions from the world's largest social platforms. We have the skill to make that happen. When we're done, our team of marketing experts can keep working for you to craft the Maropost powered social media campaigns.

Brand Management and Digital Marketing

Marketing automation tools like Maropost are a big part of a successful campaign, but they aren't the only part. At Old North Collective, we understand how to put a wide variety of tools to work in a cohesive way to get the best results for our clients. For the best brand management and digital marketing possible, we can expand our services beyond Maropost to include the other tools in your technology stack. We can even help you figure out what those tools should be.

Why Use Maropost?

Some of the biggest brands you know trust Maropost as their marketing automation provider. This alone doesn't mean you should. Running a successful business doesn't mean always following the pack. But the reasons top brands chose Maropost, and the results it brings them are certainly good reasons to pick the platform. So, why do brands choose Maropost?


Anyone who's done any email marketing in the past decade or so know that personalization is king. Customers do not want to feel like just a number in a bulk mailing spreadsheet. That's why Maropost gives you a highly granular look at your customer base, allowing you to tailor messages that are every bit as unique as the customer you are sending them to.

Once you've crafted your email, Maropost will give you a deliverability score and run it against a spam checker. Two very important features that help you discover and make tweaks that can prevent your email from getting sent to the dreaded spam folder, never to be seen.


Today's customers expect interaction beyond email. Maropost brings the same targeting and personalization options available for email campaigns to mobile devices. With the ability to track mobile engagement data, you'll be able to send highly relevant SMS messages or push notifications to customers. Just like email, these messages can be personalized to maximize their appeal to the intended recipient, and even be automatically scheduled to send at a time that is more likely to result in engagement.

Social Media

People go to social media sites to talk with their friends, and keep up with the latest happenings. They aren't there to visit advertiser's websites. That's why Maropost's social media integration allows customers to fill out lead generation forms right on their favorite social media platform. You get a lead, and they never have to deal with the friction of interrupting their social media experience.

One of the most powerful tools in the digital marketer's toolbox is retargeting. By retargeting ads, you are reminding an ad viewer of some previous action they took or product they were interested in. These types of ads convert well, and Maropost gives you full ad retargeting capabilities across Facebook and Instagram.

Manually making posts throughout the day takes time out of your day. Instead, pre-configure a set of evergreen marketing content and let Maropost automatically push it onto your feed at the times it's most likely to receive the best engagement.

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