
Most businesses are easy enough to run when you've only got a handful of employees and are still taking on relatively simple projects. As businesses grow, so too does the complexity of running them. That's where tools like OpenAir excel. OpenAir is software that helps keep your business organized through the use of project management tools and workflow automations. This makes it an amazing choice to power media-creation businesses, or any business that creates projects for clients. Old North Collective can help you get up and running with this powerful productivity tool.

What We Do

The list of features OpenAir brings is extensive, and our team has experience integrating all of them. With our help, you'll be able to get the software running with your technology stack and learn to get the most bang for your buck. Let's look at some of the key OpenAir functionality we can set up for you.

E-commerce Features

Normally, you'd have to look to external software for an eCommerce solution. NetSuite has one built in. Best of all, it has a unique set of features depending on whether you are doing B2C or B2B business. With all the features your customers expect from a commerce platform, NetSuite will be the star of the show behind the scenes as well as at the center of the stage.


As you'll see, PSA software like OpenAir can connect to and improve nearly every aspect of your business. But you have all sorts of disparate software that you use to run your business. In order to do its job, OpenAir has to connect flawlessly with all of them. Bringing everything together and making it all play nicely requires just the type of technical expertise that Old North Collective brings to every job we do.

Project Management

Successful project management requires easy collaboration between all team members, and tools to track the current state of the project, as well as any problems that come up along the way which need to be resolved. It requires detailed status reports and accurate revenue and cost estimates. OpenAir gives you all the tools you need to accomplish this, and even includes an extensive library of white papers to teach you how to improve you project management methods.

Resource Management

It’s a manager’s job to put the right people on the right projects. But managers are humans; and humans are imperfect at best. OpenAir's resource management tools let you track the skills and availability of your staff down to a very granular level, allowing you to find the best match for a given job. Now you can have the right person, without also having the stress of finding them.

Expense Management

Tasks such as expense reporting and the submission and approval of expense requests are a large part of both your project management and your project accounting workflows. OpenAir allows you to bridge that gap, helping to automate and streamline your entire expense management process by integrating it into your project management and accounting workflows. Once everything is synchronized, it then becomes easy to track and submit expense requests or to bill clients for work done.

Timesheet Management

Once upon a time, employees would punch a card in a time clock, or swipe their ID badges. But we aren’t living the old days when everything was manually operated and hand counted. Being cloud based, OpenAir allows employees to track their time online and from anywhere, all they need is a browser and an internet connection. Of course, this information is tightly integrated with the project management tools, making it easier than ever to budget and bill for your projects.

Invoicing and Billing

Expense management and timesheet management are both very useful tools, but at some point money has to start changing hands. Printing and keeping track of paper invoices is a major drag on your team’s productivity. OpenAir can help. OpenAir's project accounting tools are flexible, allowing for unique costing formulations and revenue recognition that’s well integrated into your workflows. With the ability to quickly calculate the profitability of each project, you can repeat the most profitable and avoid the money sinks.

Reporting and Analytics

We live in a world of big data, where your fellow business owners are going on about their latest KPIs (key performance indicators), and how they’ve helped the business grow. If you didn’t know what a KPI is, that’s fine! OpenAir keeps track of key performance indicators and presents them to you in easy to read dashboards. These dashboards can be customized to the needs of each individual who is viewing them, so the right information is always available at the right time. Now you’ll have these powerful tools for making informed decisions at your disposal; and you’ll be able to join in on the conversation at the next conference.

Why Use NetSuite?

So far, we've listed a lot of great features that OpenAir offers, each of which can be set up by our team of experts to work flawlessly with whatever systems you are currently running. Now let's take a step back and look at OpenAir from a broader perspective. Beyond the individual features, adopting NetSuite brings with it a few overarching benefits. Let's see what those are.

Improve Efficiency

Staying on time and within budget is important if you're going to remain profitable. With advanced project management and budgeting tools, it's never been easier to ensure that all aspects of your project are running smoothly. With OpenAir, all your projects will be completed in a timely manner with minimum surprises or unwelcome distractions.

Increase Transparency

Your company uses a number of software products. Many of these are all collecting and generating data. Every bit of that data provides you with information about your business, but it doesn't become really useful until a tool like OpenAir brings it all together and gives you full data visibility across all your operations from one convenient location.

Strengthen Customer Experience and Grow Sales

By using the project management tools in OpenAir to complete projects more quickly and within designed budget constraints, you'll find yourself with customers that are happier and more likely to return for repeat business. Combine that with the informed decisions you'll be able to make from the deep insights OpenAir provides you about your financial operation, and you'll have all the tools you need to increase your customer base and grow your business.

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